Albania: Football as an Evangelistic Campaign

Albania: Football as an Evangelistic Campaign

Klaus Rösler - March 25, 2009

T i r a n a – The evangelical Christians of Albania are planning for a most unusual evangelistic campaign. In May, former football stars from Brazil, who are also convinced Christians, intend to play a match against Albania’s best footballers. On the team are Paulo Sergio and goalie Taffarei, both of whom were on Brazil’s World-Cup Champion team of 1994 and are consequently known throughout Europe. Eighteen evangelical players are on the Brazilian team, many of whom also kicked for European teams during their playing days.

Kristo Pango (Tirana), General-Secretary of the Albanian Baptist Union, reports that the team was invited by a Brazilian missionary active in Albania. Pango reports that Brazilian football is cherished above all in Albania. Many sports freaks still wear tricots of the Brazilian national team in everyday life. Pango believes meeting such a player in the flesh could be a highly-memorable moment in the lives of many. Some of the players will report on their lives and Christian faith in the stadium during the event. It is planned that Christian music groups will also perform. The stadium has room for 20.000 fans. Pango is convinced that every seat will be taken. He is now also negotiating with Albanian television regarding a broadcasting of the event. One is also checking out the possibility of organising a similar event in Kosova.

Seventy-percent of Albania’s 3,1 million inhabitants are Muslims, 20% belong to the Albanian-Orthodox faith, another 10% are Roman-Catholic. Five congregations and 250 members belong to the small Baptist community.