Attacks in Norway

Attacks in Norway

EBF - July 23, 2011

Today the EBF General Secretary, Tony Peck, wrote on behalf of the whole EBF family to the leadership of the Baptist Union of Norway:

“We are shocked and saddened to learn of the terrible attacks in Norway, with the loss of many lives, especially those of so many young people.

We think of Norway as a peaceful country which carries the message of peace around the world, and this makes these attacks even more difficult for us to understand.

At this time we hold in our hearts and our prayers families who have lost loved ones in such tragic circumstances.  And we pray for your nation in the coming days as it tries to come to terms with what has happened. 

We know that there is a good and close relationship between the different Churches in Norway as we pray for you and the other churches as you minister to individuals, communities and your nation at this time, that together you may be able to share something of the love of God which is there even in such suffering and devastation.

Be assured of our continuing prayerful support for the witness of Norwegian Baptists to Christ, the Prince of Peace.  And may the Lord give wisdom and strength to you as leaders of the Baptist Union at this time.”

The EBF Vice-President pastor Hans Guderian shared in his letter to the Baptist Union of Norway the same concern and sympathy, and assured that on Sunday morning his church will have a special time of prayer for our brothers and sisters, and for the people of Norway.
