BWA Gathering in Zürich 2-6 July

BWA Gathering in Zürich 2-6 July

Tony Peck, EBF General Secretary - March 13, 2018

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It does not happen very often that the Baptist World Alliance comes to Europe for its Annual Gathering. But this year from July 2-6 it will take place in Zürich Switzerland. I write to encourage as many EBF Unions as possible to be there to welcome the BWA family to our region.

There are several reasons why this 2018 Gathering is unique:

► The Invitation to Zürich came from both the Swiss Baptists and the Swiss Reformed Church of the Zürich Canton, recognising that as we remember 500 years of the Reformation we need to acknowledge the part played both by the Reformed tradition, and also by the Anabaptists who in important ways were our fathers and mothers in the faith as Baptists.

► There will be an opportunity to tour the difficult-to-find historic Anabaptist sites of Zürich and beyond, including the house belonging to the earliest Anabaptist leader, Conrad Grebel.

► In the Grossmünster, the Church of the Reformer Ulrich Zwingli, there will be a unique Act of Worship and Reconciliation jointly organise by the BWA and the Swiss Reformed Church. We will remember the earliest Anabaptist martyrs who died for their faith in the waters of the River Limmat in Zürich and the importance today of our reconciliation in Christ.

► There is a sense of anticipation and excitement because this is the first BWA Gathering under the leadership of the new BWA General Secretary, Dr Elijah Brown. He has already proved himself an incisive and dynamic speaker with a clear sense of direction for the BWA, which no doubt he will be sharing with us.

► The BWA Gathering is always a great time to meet the global Baptist family, learn from one another in the work of the Study Commissions, and just to make new friends!

Switzerland is an expensive country and the cost of attending the Zürich Gathering is undoubtedly a challenge for all of us. But I hope that your Union can send at least one delegate to what I think will be a unique and inspiring Gathering of Baptists from around the world. There will also be an opportunity for the EBF leaders present to come together.

You can register HERE.

We hope to see you there!
