Children Helping Children

Children Helping Children

EBF News Service - January 19, 2015

Since the deteriorating humanitarian crises in Iraq, different churches of the Baptist family in Europe and the Middle East have shown their concern for the situation and assisted the Baghdad Baptist Church in their ministry to the internally displaced people (IDPs) in Iraq.

One of such stories comes from Portugal, told by Isabel Pego, a Sunday School teacher of Cedofeita Baptist Church, Porto, Portugal:

“Having been challenged by BWA in August 2014 to help displaced Iraqi Christians, our church sent a gift to EBF through the Portuguese Baptist Convention.

I couldn’t stop thinking about the children of those families, and as a way to help them, God put a dream in my heart. As a Sunday School teacher (ages 10-13) together with its leader, we shared the idea with the other children’s teachers and agreed to move on. So our project was born at the end of October 2014: children helping children.

We wrote the parents about it and all of them decided to involve their children. From ages 6 to 13, thirty boys and girls were saving and collecting money, or baking cakes and selling them every Sunday at church in November and December. Their enthusiasm was so contagious that some of their relatives and friends were touched and supported them.

We had some bookmarks made, and through the church site and Facebook, plus mails, our project got far beyond our city limits.

On the first Sunday this month we closed it in the morning service: we sang together with our children, rejoicing as they had raised €1,265.00. Our pastor, Abel Pego, thanked them and praised God for their enthusiasm and love, and prayed for the Iraqi children and their families.

Our church treasurer was deeply moved by the children’s determination as he was receiving and taking note of their offerings. Once a little girl of 7 came to the church office with her mother and her four-year-old brother: in one tin they had €104. Besides what they had been collecting, they passed the tin around on Christmas day when all the family was together. They didn’t miss such an opportunity!

We had stressed this was not another charity project just like so many we hear about at Christmas time, but it was rooted in God’s love for us and in us. If we tell our children and youngsters about Emmanuel, God with us, they respond with love. What a responsibility as Christian parents, educators and leaders in today's world!”

Helle Liht, co-coordinator of European Baptist Aid pays tribute to the Portuguese initiative: “It is indeed wonderful and very encouraging if local churches take initiative in helping those in need beyond their own country boarders and raise their children in the same spirit. It builds bridges between different areas of EBF, strengthens the fellowship and glorifies God as his love is being shared.”

Photos: Isabel Pego & Cedofeita Baptist Church
