Death of Prof Dr Aleksandar Birviš, President Emeritus of Union of Baptist Churches in Serbia

Death of Prof Dr Aleksandar Birviš, President Emeritus of Union of Baptist Churches in Serbia

Dane Vidovic, Union of Baptist Churches in Serbia - February 03, 2015

Dr Aleksandar Birviš (1928-2015) died last Sunday, 1st February 2015, at the age of 87. He was pastor of the Baptist Church in Novi Sad (1957-1959), and the Christian Baptist Church Belgrade (1970-2001). He was Professor of Old Testament and Church History at the Baptist Theological School in Novi Sad, Serbia and in several other evangelical schools in Former Yugoslavia.

Dr Birviš was a linguist and a Bible translator, working with London Bible Society (Serbian division). His very well known Serbian translation was the rhythmical translation of the Psalms.

He was the president of the Union of Baptist Churches in Serbia, and author of several books and great number of articles in Baptist, evangelical and secular magazines.

The funeral service of Prof Dr Birviš will be held on Wednesday, 4th February in Novi Sad.

Photo: the Union of Baptist Churches in Serbia
