Don't Burn Out: Burn Brightly

Don't Burn Out: Burn Brightly

Jeff Carter, EBF - January 25, 2016

43 leaders from across 22 nations in the EBF stretching from North, South, East and Western Europe and the Middle East came together to embrace the topic: Don't Burn Out: Burn Brightly!

The theme was addressing the sometimes serious problem that Youth and Children leaders can face in ministry. Volunteers especially struggle with balance. We deeply appreciated the first speaker Roald Zeiffert, the head of the Baptist Youth work of Norway, who shared a very personal and challenging journey towards wellness and health after his encounter with "wearing down the battery".

Jeff Carter and Bob Morris co-shared a session on how to be aware and to overcome the tyranny of burnout by cultivating our spiritual walk and to embrace mentoring relationships and accountability.

Our French Baptist Federation hosts Arnauld Jeuch and Sue and John Wilson spared no effort to make us all feel welcome!

Plans are already underway for a special gathering with the EBF Mission Conference and a joint conference with us in Vienna next March!
