EBF Statement about Syria

EBF Statement about Syria

EBF - March 06, 2012

The EBF views with grave concern the deteriorating situation in Syria and the increasing bloodshed arising from the conflict.   We particularly pray for the families of the many thousands who have already died in the fighting.

The Syrian Baptist Convention has 13 churches with 600 members. The largest Baptist church is in the city of Homs where the worst fighting has taken place. Whilst communication with Syria is very difficult at the present time, it is our understanding that the pastor and congregation have left the city.

In this situation there is a serious concern about the continuing religious freedom for the Christian minority, whatever the outcome of the conflict. In other areas of conflict in the Middle East Christians have been leaving in large numbers. We pray that it may be possible for Christians to stay in Syria and other neighbouring countries.

The EBF urges prayer for the whole situation in Syria, for an end to the fighting, and that a peaceful outcome may be found to the conflict. We pray for our Baptists and other Christian churches that in this situation they may be able to continue their witness to Christ, the Prince of Peace.
