EBF Youth and Children's Workers gathered in Zagreb

EBF Youth and Children's Workers gathered in Zagreb

Bob Morris, Chair of the EBFYC - February 08, 2018

Bob Morris, the Chair of the Youth and Children’s Workers Committee reflects on the recent conference in Zagreb, Croatia:

Having just returned from our annual EBF Youth and Children’s Workers Conference I wanted to write to you all to let you know what a fantastic time we had in Zagreb, Croatia from 18th – 22nd January!

Our hosts entertained us, put up with our complaints and questions and made us feel so welcome! Our Executive Committee had already planned a very practical gathering with the title being “Teamwork; Recruiting, equipping and releasing people for ministry”. This included practical workshops about camp ministry, youth missions and how to provide a thriving ministry all year around as well as 3 plenary sessions linked to the title of our conference.

Times of worship were led by young people from the Baptist Churches in Zagreb and as well as exploring the city we were treated to an afternoon of sightseeing outside of the city as we visited a castle at Trakoscan before eating a traditional Croatian meal together.

With over 40 people from 20 nations we had plenty of opportunities to network and socialise together, catch up with old friends and have the opportunity to make new ones!

We increased the size of the EXCO this year as we feel that God might have big plans for us in the future! We added Samantha Mail (Germany), Sven-Joonatan Sibak (Estonia) and Viktoria Krupenia (Ukraine) as well as re-electing Yanita Georgieva (Bulgaria) as our secretary. We said farewell to Ronald Van Den Oever (Netherlands) as his term of service had come to an end and thanked him for his input over the past 2 years. The others that make up the EXCO are our treasurer Mitko Georgiev (Bulgaria), Filip Grujic (Croatia) my vice chairman, myself and Jeff Carter (Czech Republic) our training coordinator.

We look forward to another year serving you and are confident that God will reveal all that He has for us as we seek him in prayer and meet together twice as the EXCO before our next conference in January 2019. We hope to be able to release details of where this will be in the next few weeks and we would love to have more people and more nations represented so please consider coming along yourself or sending an appropriate person as your country’s representative to what always proves to be a special time of challenge and encouragement!
