Euro-Asiatic Federation calls for a day of prayer for Ukraine on May 23

Euro-Asiatic Federation calls for a day of prayer for Ukraine on May 23

EBF News Service - May 19, 2014

The Euro-Asiatic Federation, which comprises 12 Baptist Unions and includes Russia and Ukraine, has issued a statement about the situation in Ukraine. This came from the recent meeting of its leaders in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

In this Statement the EAF expresses its support for Baptists in both Ukraine and Russia and urges prayer and action to pull back form what it calls the 'darkening abyss' of an escalated civil conflict in Ukraine. The Statement goes on to make a commitment to peace:

4. We commit ourselves, and call on all others to make every effort to assist the Ukrainian people in restoring peace and in living in a way that is pleasing to God. No one should add fuel to an already difficult situation, but instead offer healing oil to those whose lives have been wounded by strife. We must be true friends and Christian brothers. “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Proverbs 17:17

5. We urge all believers of the Euro-Asiatic Federation of Evangelical Christian Baptist Churches to join us in a day of prayer and fasting on the 23rd of May. We pray that the Lord would give peace and mutual love, and bring an end to the strife in our land. We call on each individual believer and upon each congregation to lift up these needs in prayer.

Photo from Euro Asiatic Federation Congress. (Asatur Nahapetyan)

To see the full Statement, click here.
