Extending God’s Kingdom

Extending God’s Kingdom

Daniel Trusiewicz - July 22, 2014

The European Baptist Federation (EBF), with the help of its Mission Partners, facilitates evangelism and the planting of new Baptist churches across Europe. Gifted men and women who are inspired by the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:19-20) are selected, trained and supported for five years. 

In 2014 about 50 indigenous church planters from 23 different nations serve in various, both urban and rural localizations, and under different circumstances. From the Arctic Circle via the Baltics, Central and Eastern Europe, to the Black Sea, the Middle East and Central Asia, new congregations have been established through the efforts of Mission Partnerships - formerly known as Indigenous Mission Partnership.

Indeed, during the last 10 years EBF Mission Partnerships has helped start about 200 new congregations and about 10,000 people have found in them their spiritual home. They are the strong evidence that the most effective church planters are those among their own people, cultures and language groups.

These church planters concentrate on sharing the gospel and helping spiritually new believers. One to one method is most effective regardless any other conditions or circumstances. Their goal is to make more disciples of Christ in the 21st century. By doing so they virtually embody a well-known since 19th century slogan “every Baptist a missionary” that has been coined by Johann Gerhard Oncken (1800-1884) who is often called the father of European Baptists.

What do others say about EBF Mission Partnerships?
Tõnis, church planter from Estonia: “involvement with EBF Mission Partnerships has been a great encouragement to me as I know that am not alone but there is a big vision and many others like me in other countries are engaged in mission work”.

Leonid, a Baptist leader from Belarus: “EBF Mission Partnerships doesn’t impose its vision and strategy but rather shares experience and is careful in selection of church planters”.

Jimmy, leader of a supporting convention: “EBF Mission Partnerships helps our churches to link with others who are different and working with them beyond our natural edges, so that the message of gospel may be brought to many who might not have heard otherwise”.

How can you get involved in EBF Mission Partnerships?
The mission work is both exciting and demanding! You may support EBF Mission Partnerships by praying, and encouraging your union or convention or local church to adopt one of the indigenous church planters, and you can also go to a mission field. As little as 3500 Euros a year can provide financial support to one church planting family.

Through these mission partnerships God has been at work, changing lives and transforming communities!

Find out more at www.ebf.org and write to the coordinator: mp@ebf.org   
Daniel Trusiewicz
EBF Mission Partnerships Coordinator

Planting new churches together!
For the glory of God! 
