First gathering of Baptists in Macedonia

First gathering of Baptists in Macedonia

Marko Grozdanov / EBF news service - October 07, 2016

At the initiative of the Good News Baptist Church of Skopje, the first All-Baptists of Macedonia conference was held on the 25th of September, 2016 commemorating 88 years since the establishment of the first Baptist church in Macedonia.

The conference gathered representatives from 7 different Baptist churches from Skopje (2), Bitola, Prilep, Ohrid, Radovis and Gradosorci. The gathering was held in the new facilities of the Good News Baptist Church, due to be completed next year.

The all-day event was centred on the topic of the Baptist history as inspiration for the future, after which representatives from the different churches shared about their work and ministries. The gathering included partaking in the Lord's Supper and sharing a meal together.

Marko Grozdanov, pastor of the Good News Baptist Church of Skopje commented: ‘The event is important for us as it was the first time all baptists in Macedonia have gathered. Although some differences between us remain, this is a very positive step in the direction of spiritual unity and brotherhood in the service of our Lord.’

Photos: Good News Baptist Church of Skopje
