First Woman Rector for Estonian Theological Seminary

First Woman Rector for Estonian Theological Seminary

Meego Remmel, UFEBC of Estonia - January 20, 2015

Tartu Theological Seminary (Estonia) appointed its first ever woman Rector in January 2015. The Union of Free Evangelical and Baptist Churches of Estonia invited Dr Einike Pilli to be the leader of educational life and development in the Estonian baptistic faith movement. Dr Pilli studied at the Tartu Theological Seminary as one of the first students after the Seminary re-opened in 1989. She completed her doctoral studies in theology at the University of Tartu, with a focus on Christian education. Dr Pilli is an adjunct lecturer at International Baptist Theological Study Centre in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

On January 14 there were students, professors, pastors, church members, ecumenical guests and others gathered together in Tartu Salem Baptist Church in order to pray God's blessing over, and say congratulations to, Dr. Pilli as the new Rector. Special greetings were given by the European Baptist Federation in an official letter from Pilli's good friend Tony Peck, the EBF General Secretary. The EBF Assistant General Secretary, Helle Liht, delivered the biblical message to the Rector and people gathered together for prayer. Meego Remmel, the President of the Union, and Peeter Roosimaa, Ermo Jürma and Margus Kask as the former rectors at Tartu Theological Seminary laid hands on the new Rector, and prayed God'd blessings upon her.

Tartu Theological Seminary is the educational center of the Union of Free Evangelical and Baptist Churches of Estonia. There are 84 churches in the Union, and around 40 students in the seminary.

Photo by Anete Palmik: Former Rector Margus Kask handing over the Seminary key to the new Rector Einike Pilli.
