Following Jesus in a Confusing World

Following Jesus in a Confusing World

Klaus Rösler - January 27, 2006

Z a g r e b (EBPS) – The Baptist churches of Europe must take the interests and expectations of young people more seriously. This was expressed by the 40 participants from 24 European countries at the European Baptist Federation (EBF) Conference for Youth and Children Workers in Kucin near Zagreb, Croatia January 13 – 18. Pastor Kay Moritz, Director of the German Baptist Federation’s youth institute in Elstal near Berlin, stated: “It remains a primary calling of the churches to develop the God-given talents of young people and children and use them in congregational life.” What that could look like was demonstrated by the conference participants in a lively service at the Zagreb church. Young and old praised God together in bilingual, contemporary song.

The topic of the conference, “Following Jesus in a Confusing World”, was covered in lectures, workshops and discussion groups. Delegates debated on today’s varying children and youth cultures. Discussions repeatedly focused on the matter of so-called “youth churches”, in which young people gather and hold church services strictly according to their own tastes. These youth churches are usually very mission-oriented. The delegates saw them as a potential response to the needs of young people. However it was seen as more important that congregations reconsider their programmes and do all they can to keep young people from transferring their allegiance to such youth churches. One delegate stated: “We must pay attention to the needs, language and lives of our young people and give them space to express their faith as they see fit.” 

Elections were held during the course of the conference. Newly-elected into the Executive of the EBF Youth and Children Committee were Malin Ivarsson Wärn (Sweden) as Vice Chairperson and Jean Francois Lekeu (Belgium) as Treasurer. The service of Leszek Wakula (Poland) within the executive was confirmed. Further executive committee members are Vasil Ivanov Valisev (Bulgaria), the Youth Leadership Training Coordinator Jeff Carter (Canada/Prague) and Nick Lear (Great Britain) as Chairperson.

German delegates invited the other European unions to attend their annual, national youth conference ( It will take place June 15 – 18, 2006 in Walsrode-Krelingen and will serve as a preparation for the Baptist World Youth Congress planned for Leipzig, Germany in 2008. There are roughly 200.000 young people members of EBF Unions into more than 11.000 youth groups.
