LSESD: Update on Syrian Crisis

LSESD: Update on Syrian Crisis

LSESD - April 09, 2014

Lebanese Society for Education and Social Development presents an update on Syrian crisis.

Photo by LSESD: Visiting with a Syrian refugee family

According to the most recent UNHCR report there are now over 2.5 million Syrian refugees displaced from their homes. The breakdown by region is as follows:

  • 936,861 in Lebanon
  • 619,593 in Turkey
  • 577,786 in Jordan
  • 222, 574 in Iraq
  • 134, 358 in Egypt

PRAYER is the most important tool we have to use in seeking to help the Syrian refugees.

LSESD, through two local church partners inside Syria, is providing food rations, medical assistance, and much needed winter supplies for 3,700 families (22,200 individuals) every month. Praise God for the resources He continues to provide. Pray for the pastors and the church teams - pray for the their protection and renewal as their minister in the midst of very difficult circumstances.

LSESD, working through 18 churches and one Christian NGO in Lebanon, is providing food to about 2,600 families (15,600 individuals) on a monthly basis. As most of these families are experiencing severe hardships, do pray that the churches that are providing them the assistance will be able to share the love and comfort of Christ with them also. Praise God for the food aid resources He has provided as well as the resources for a major winterization program that provided blankets, mattresses, stoves and fuel.

LSESD, working with one of the local churches in the Bekaa, has started a school for 200 children in KG to Grade 6. In the afternoons they have literacy classes for other children. Praise God for the donors who provided the funding for these programs. Pray that these children would find the school at the church a secure place to grow in the grace and knowledge of God and experience the blessings that He provides.

Pray that God would continue to renew and fresh all those at LSESD who in various ways have been responding to the Syrian refugee crisis.
