Prayer Request from Lebanon

Prayer Request from Lebanon

Nabil Costa - July 22, 2006

"Our country is desolate, out cities are burned with fire; our land, strangers devour it in our presence …”

These are the scenes in our Lebanon today: Death, destruction, desolation and smoke… desperate cries echoing through the streets where the homeless and weary are left to wander… loud lamentation of women and children over their loved ones whose remnants are left under the ruins of buildings and home?

The current disaster places the Lebanese believers at a crossroads: Either we willingly work to lift up the weak and the weary, endangering our lives to save others or we can choose to run and hide, hunkering down until this tornado passes by.

For us Lebanese believers, this is not so easy. Those we are helping are linked to those who tried to destroy us during the Lebanese war (1975-90). But the loving eyes of our crucified Lord have directed us to the narrow road, to be his heart and his hands to those in need.

Enormous numbers of people from non-Christian background sought refuge at the Beirut Baptist School (BBS) and also at our theological seminary (ABTS). It was as if God were telling us, “It is not easy for you to go to these people, so I will bring them to you to serve them and reveal to them my love".

Thus we have requisitioned the staff of our Baptist ministries to work amidst these refugees, including a special team of volunteers who are on site day and night.

As we begin the second week of this war, we ask ourselves how long we will be able to continue this effort. Frankly, this burden is too heavy for us to carry alone. We have already seen God move the hearts of our partners to give generously for this relief effort and this has been a huge encouragement to us all, bringing us to praise God during our twice-daily meetings of prayer and praise.

An unexpected blessing was the presence of “American refugees” who had come to serve our children and youth in Lebanon on short-term teams, one from Texas, one from Georgia, and a third group from Virginia. We brought these brothers and sisters to our ABTS campus, to care for their needs until they were able to be evacuated (which transpired yesterday, July 20). Their presence during these horrendous days was of great spiritual and emotional encouragement to us, and to them, as well as to the believers from the local churches who attended our twice-daily meetings. These meetings are still continuing and will do so until this trauma is over.

To our God we give thanks and glory, for the things He has done, is doing and will do through us! Keep us in your prayers,


Your brother in Christ,
