Ukrainian Christians give thanks for peace

Ukrainian Christians give thanks for peace

Pavel Unguryan, International Missions Department Director with Ukrainian Baptists - February 23, 2014

Joy and sadness overfills our hearts as we celebrate the news of birth of a New Ukraine and grieve for the young men, students and husbands who died for this to happen.

For the past three months Ukraine was absorbed by the cloud of anti-government protests and demonstrations that resulted in the worst violence since it gained Independence in 1991. The events of the last several days have been crucial as we the witnessed the creation of a new Ukraine’s history.

The Parliament has taken a responsibility to end the crisis in the country and adopted a number of vital laws. Our brother in Christ and minister of one of the Kiev Baptist Churches Dr. Oleksandr Turchynov, a leading opposition lawmaker, was elected Speaker of parliament. Among other rapid development Ukraine’s ex-minister Yulia Tymoshenko also was released from prison after which she was taken in a wheelchair to Kiev to make a speech at the Independence Square in Kiev. The Parliament also voted to remove President Viktor Yanukovych and set new presidential elections for May 25.

The hundreds of thousands of people burst out in ovation and cheers as they were listening to the reports about the progress from the Maydan’s stage. Exhausted but happy people stood with pride and feeling of awe. Strong enough to survive the bullets but unable to cope the emotions some people actually fainted.

During all these days of protests and confrontations the Christian community in Ukraine has been the light and the salt for both parties. The doctors, nurses, cooks, students and other Christian groups have been helping whenever there was a need. This situation caused the churches and even denominations get united in prayers and fasting for the peace and God’s intervention. People started crying out to God and even the TV media spoke about the role of the church and quoted Scriptures.

Several days ago the volunteers of the Hungarian Rescue Team arrived in Ukraine to serve our people and help us recover. God is using different people to provide assistance and if you want to help the wounded, sick, the families of the killed or with other social projects to restore the country please let us know and we’ll organize channels to make your donation arrive at the destination.

Unfortunately, many people have much anger and hatred for opponents. People are disappointed in all politicians and do not want to forgive anyone. Many are determined just to revenge, burn and bring about injuries. But we need to face this challenge with Christ. What Ukraine needs is not just a change of people in authority but a change of the system and the relationship of the authorities to ordinary citizens. Ukraine needs love, mercy and forgiveness. Ukraine needs Christ!

After all the previous prayer requests we ask you today to join us in the prayer of thanksgiving to God for the peace that He has granted on Ukrainian land.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” Psalm 33:12
