Urgent Prayer Update from Gaza

Urgent Prayer Update from Gaza

EBF News Service - July 29, 2014

Rev Hanna Massad is a former pastor of Gaza Baptist Church, currently living in Jordan.  Hanna is the founder of Christian Mission to Gaza and a Faculty member of the Bethlehem Bible College (BBC) Gaza extension. He is also a faculty member of the Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary (JETS).

Hanna is regularly visiting Gaza, supporting the ministry of Gaza Baptist Church and organising humanitarian aid and relief work in Gaza through and with the Gaza Baptist Church. Following is his letter from July 27, 2014.

Dear friends,

Today, due to the desperate situation which is unfolding in Gaza, I must write to you again to ask for more prayers to be said. Yesterday, Mrs Jalila Ayyad, became the first person from the Christian community to lose her life under the bombardment from Israeli bombing. Her son has also been seriously injured. This is just one of so many tragedies happening now in Gaza on a daily basis.

Something else happened too that brings home the danger that so many are in. A man in the street where my house in Gaza is told his next door neighbour that he had received a warning that this next door neighbour’s house was going to be bombed. Under such a dangerous threat this neighbour and his family have moved into my home in Gaza. Fear is everywhere and nowhere is safe.

In the midst of this fear and devastation people work together and do what they can to help. The Greek Orthodox and the Catholic churches have both opened their doors to refugees who have fled from the bombing. Some flee because their homes have been destroyed, others because the IDF has told them to go because their area is about to be bombed. It’s a truly desperate situation.

The situation in Gaza is much worse than during any other conflict there has been before. I was on the telephone to some friends in the church in Gaza and on the phone these dear brothers are breaking down in agony due to the trauma they are suffering from the constant bombardment. Even amongst those who have not been killed, many lives will never be the same again.

Many people are running out of food. I have worked out a Relief Plan in which I will be working alongside a good friend from the Bible Society who has offered to help. I have asked the church in Gaza to begin making preparations so that, when it’s safe to do so, we can get the food parcels put to those most in need.

Details of the Relief Plan:

  • During the first stage we plan to help about 180 families, both Christian and Muslim, with food packages.
  • Each food package is worth about $60 and includes basic food for a family such as rice, corn, oil, beans etc.
  • One food package would help a family of 5 members with basic food items for 7-10 days.
  • Food is bought locally and distributed by Gaza Baptist Church members.
  • Donations for Gaza Relief Plan will be used only for food packages with no deductions for office or transport costs.

Urgent Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for the war to end!
  2. Pray for the family of Mrs Jalila Ayyad who has been killed.
  3. Pray for the family who have moved into my house in Gaza.
  4. Pray for the Churches who have opened their doors to Muslims in need of refuge.
  5. Pray for those who have been traumatised by the incessant bombing.
  6. Pray that Christians will be strong in faith and seen as beacons of hope and love.
  7. Pray for the organisation of the Food Relief Programme with the Bible Society.
  8. Pray that, in the midst of war, the believers will know the peace that only Christ can bring.

Photo: Hanna Massad with his wife Suhad
