Amsterdam 400: In 2009 Baptists will Celebrate their 400th Anniversary

Amsterdam 400: In 2009 Baptists will Celebrate their 400th Anniversary

Klaus Rösler - February 14, 2008

Prague – Next year the world Baptist movement will celebrate its 400th birthday. In 1609 the first Baptists, who were refugees from England, met in the backroom of an Amsterdam bakery in order to read the Bible together. They founded the first Baptist-minded congregation. The European Baptist Federation (EBF) plans to celebrate this anniversary from 24 to 26 July 2009 with festivities in Amsterdam’s RAI Congress Centre entitled “Amsterdam 400”. It is anticipated that 1.700 Baptists from throughout Europe will attend.

The event will cost 300.000 euros. In order for Baptists from less-wealthy countries to attend, a large portion of the conference costs are to be covered by wealthier unions. EBF General-Secretary Tony Peck and Financial Chairman Jan Saethre (Siljan/Norway) have addressed a financial appeal to all 52 EBF-member unions reminding them of their commitment made at the EBF-Council sessions in Budapest last September. During the Council they had agreed to contribute one euro per member towards the costs of the conference. Peck and Saethre are requesting that union leaders express this concern to their congregations. “We are of course aware that one euro per member is too much for some unions.” Yet every union could make a one-off contribution on a level reasonable for that union. This would keep costs down and help cover the travel expenses of some participants. Both EBF-leaders note that Amsterdam 400 will deal with more than just the past – a “vision for the future” will be one of the conference’s goals.

Baptists have over 100 million adherents, making them the world’s largest Protestant denomination. Europe and the Middle East have approximately 800.000 Baptists. The Dutch Union has 11.500 members worshipping in 85 congregations. 
