Concern for the future of local Christians

Concern for the future of local Christians

Klaus Rösler - March 09, 2012

P r a g u e – A call to prayer for peace in Syria has been issued by the European Baptist Federation (EBF). According to a “Statement on Syria”, published in Prague on March 6, prayer for an end to the fighting and a peaceful resolution of the conflict is desired. The EBF, the umbrella organization of about 750,000 Baptists in Europe and the Middle East, “views with grave concern the deteriorating situation in Syria and the increasing bloodshed arising from the conflict.” Prayer is requested especially for the families of thousands who have already lost their lives in the fighting. The EBF expressed special concern for the situation of the Baptist minority in the country, which consists of 600 members in 13 churches. The largest congregation is located in the particularly embattled city of Homs. There is scarcely any reliable news coming from that city. However, it is assumed that church members and the pastor have left. The statement continues, “In this situation there is a serious concern about the continuing religious freedom for the Christian minority, whatever the outcome of the conflict.” In other areas of conflict in the Middle East, large numbers of Christians have also left. “We pray that it may be possible for Christians to stay in Syria and other neighbouring countries.” In this situation it is especially important that Christians continue their witness to Jesus Christ as the Prince of Peace. Seventy-five percent of Syria’s 21 million inhabitants are Muslim, 15 percent Christian, 6 percent Alawis and 2 percent Druze. There is also a small Jewish minority.
