Workshops Seminars Consultations

Connecting to serve refugees in Europe

Some questions the webinar will deal with:

The realities of Dublin regulations:
® How many asylum seekers are transferred within Europe because of Dublin?
The differences within the system:
® How are different countries treating asylum applicants?
® What is the protection given to converts from Islam to Christianity?
The political process:
® How is European Asylum politics made?
® Is there any way to influence it to improve the situation for refugees?
The legal procedures:
® Do asylum seekers find proper legal representation in our countries?
Church action:
® What can we do within the system?
® When and how would we engage to confront, challenge, change the system?

There will be time for questions & answers, discussion and contribution from the participants.

Registration deadline was 19 March 2019.
If you still wish to join, please email Helle Liht at helle(at)

All registered participants will receive an email with a web link to join the webinar

Download the poster here