Establishing friendships with members of other religions

Establishing friendships with members of other religions

Klaus Rösler - February 03, 2012

B e i r u t – In a multi-religious society, Christians must live as witnesses for God. This was emphasised by the General Secretary of the European Baptist Federation (EBF), Tony Peck (Bristol/Prague). At the 5-day EBF Annual Conference of Children and Youth Workers, which took place in mid-January in Beirut, Lebanon, Peck said that the best way to accomplish this is to befriend members of other religions. The meeting, on the topic “Living out one’s faith in a multi-religious world” drew 24 participants from 13 countries.

Among other things, they discussed a declaration issued by the Lausanne movement at their meeting in Cape Town in 2010. Referring to members of other religions, the declaration states, “They are human beings, created in God’s image, whom God loves and for whose sins Christ died. We strive not only to see them as neighbours in the geographical sense, but to be obedient to Christ’s teaching and to be neighbours to them in the biblical sense.” Two further keynote speeches addressing the question of what that means for working with children and youth, were given by the Advisor for Teen, Youth, and Young Adult Ministry of the German Baptist Union, Meike Bethke, and the Director of the Institutes for the Middle East at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, Martin Accad (Beirut). Participants at the conference repeatedly described interactions with representatives of other religions in their homelands. It was clear that true understanding can only come when we listen to each other, they said. Even in difficult living conditions there are always opportunities to show God’s love to others.

These thoughts were also incorporated into the final declaration of the meeting. Among other things, it says, “It is evident from the stories and studies presented at the conference that God is always intervening.” Therefore, the EBF family is urged to see God in common day to day life, as well as in difficulties. To quote directly, “God is able to do far more abundantly than we can think or ask, according to his power which works in us.” Even in youth ministry, God can do “all things”. Young and old should be salt and light in everyday life.

In elections, the former secretary of the committee, Vasil Vasilev of Bulgaria, was elected vice-chairman. He replaces Svetlana Mraz of Croatia, who did not run again. The new secretary is Malin Emmoth of Sweden. Also elected to the board was Morten Oehrn of Norway, replacing Rostyslaw Semikov of the Ukraine, who retired. Pille Havakats of Estonia was affirmed as treasurer. The German Volkmar Hamp (Elstal) is chairman of the committee.
