European Baptists: Record Financial Involvement

European Baptists: Record Financial Involvement

Klaus Rösler - March 20, 2008

O h r i d / Macedonia – An increasing number of unions belonging to the European Baptist Federation (EBF) are participating financially in the meeting of its annual budget. The Chair of its Finance Committee, the Norwegian Jan Saethre (Siljan), reports that 2007 was a record year. He stated at sessions of the EBF’s Executive in the Macedonian city of Ohrid from 13 to 15 March that 46 of the 55 member unions, “more than ever before”, had sent contributions. Member unions had forwarded contributions totalling 201.000 euros; the total budget is pegged at roughly 306.000 euros.

The EBF’s work is secured by an unusual financial arrangement. Each of the 55 unions is asked to contribute according to the financial strength and membership numbers in that country. This means that Baptists in impoverished countries such as Iraq, Moldova and Tajikistan are only expected to send one cent per member per year. Baptists in the financially-robust countries of Western Europe are requested to pay 60 cents per member. The highest expectations are levelled at Switzerland: one euro per member. This model results in the relatively-large Baptist unions of Great Britain and Germany being expected to contribute 76.000 and 51.000 euros respectively. Yet Saethre reports that nine unions had not contributed anything at all to the meeting of the budget. His concern thereby is not the relatively small monetary amounts involved, but rather the awareness of participating in a common cause.

Tiny Turkey was even able to set a record. Only a 35-member congregation in Izmir belongs to the EBF. It sent 100 euros, meaning that it contributed nearly 3 euros per member. When comparing expected levels of giving with the actual amounts sent, small unions held all of the top positions. Turkey achieved first place by a long shot, followed by the Baptist Unions of Bosnia/Herzegovina and Northern Serbia. Both had contributed three times more than their expected level of giving. The Baptist Unions of Bulgaria, Lithuania and Georgia gave twice as much as the expected level.

Regarding the “Amsterdam 400” anniversary celebrations, Saethre called on all Baptist unions to fulfil the commitments they made at the last Council sessions in Budapest in September 2007. There they had agreed to contribute one euro per member towards the costs of the conference. In 2009 Baptists will celebrate the founding of the world’s first Baptist congregation in 1609. Religious refugees from England gathered in the back room of an Amsterdam bakery to read the Bible together and to pray. Approximately 1.700 participants mostly from Europe are expected to attend “Amsterdam 400” scheduled to be held from 24 to 26 July 2009 in the city’s RAI-Centre. In order to make the participation of Baptists from financially-weak countries possible, delegates in Budapest had accepted the suggestion of EBF-President Toma Magda (Cakovec/Croatia) that each of Europe’s roughly 800.000 Baptists contribute one euro to this fund. Saethre reported that only a few contributions have been made so far, although some Unions have made promises of support. He also noted that the cost of participation has been set: admission for Western Europeans will cost 195 euros, for Eastern Europeans 130 euros. This price includes the Conference fee, as well as lunch on both conference days, but not accommodation or additional meals.
