European Baptists: Taking Part in the EU’s Anti-Trafficking Day

European Baptists: Taking Part in the EU’s Anti-Trafficking Day

Klaus Rösler - October 09, 2008

S t o c k h o l m – The European Baptist Federation’s (EBF) Anti-Trafficking workgroup is calling on the 13.000 Baptist congregations of Europe and the Middle East to participate in the European Union’s Anti-Trafficking Day on 18 October. This workgroup’s Chairperson, Baptist Pastor Sven-Gunnar Liden of Stockholm, is recommending that on the following Sunday, 19 October, congregations should pray for an end to human trafficking and the forced prostitution associated with it. Citing Ephesians 6, Liden notes that we are thereby “wrestling against spiritual wickedness in high places”.

When Liden and others spoke at a London conference against trafficking last year, two Swedish prostitutes appeared and passed out leaflets vehemently protesting against their supposed persecution by the Swedish government. Liden reports that Sweden has passed legislation protecting prostitutes and instead penalising the men who utilise their services. He states that trafficking “destroys women, children and men through ruthless exploitation”. Christians should therefore pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ might release its “healing and liberating” powers.

Liden highlights the fact that Sweden will be taking over the chair of the EU in the coming year as a special prayer concern. Sweden’s National Council of Churches intends to expand its struggle against human trafficking during that period. “Pray that we might succeed in reaching the politicians within the European Parliament with this concern.”
