
The EBF Executive is the body which oversees the work of the EBF, together with the council. Its members are elected by the Council, usually for a period of five years. It meet twice a year and its members each has a particular responsibility for an aspect of EBF life.

Function Name Country Contact
President Meego Remmel Estonia meego@ekklesia.ee
Vice President Stefan Gisiger Switzerland stefan.gisiger@baptisten.ch
General Secretary Tony Peck United Kingdom gensec@ebf.org

Chairs of Commissions

Commission Name Country Contact
Theology and Education Otniel Bunaciu Romania bunaciuo@gmail.com
Mission and Evangelism Ingeborg Janssen The Netherlands ingeborg.janssen@baptisten.nl
Freedom and Justice Shane McNary Slovakia shane.mcnary@gmail.com


Function Name Country Contact
Chair of Finance Cttee Jan Saethre Norway jsaethre@online.no
Rep of Youth Cttee Samantha Mail Germany SMail@baptisten.de
Chair of Nomination Cttee Christoph Stiba Germany generalsekretaer@baptisten.de
President of EBWU Fabienne Seguin France president.ebwu@gmail.com
Chair of IBTSC Board of Trustees Michael Rohde Germany m.rohde@gemeinde-walderseestrasse.de
IBTS Centre Rector Mike Pears UK / The Netherlands pears@ibts.eu
Middle East Representative Nabil Costa Lebanon NCosta@Lsesd.org
Euro-Asiatic Representative Asatur Nahapetyan Armenia asatur70@gmail.com