How Can We Reach Young People With the Gospel?

How Can We Reach Young People With the Gospel?

Klaus Rösler - July 07, 2006

P r a g u e – How can one effectively reach young people who are far removed from the church with the Gospel? This question stood at the centre of a two-week-long course at Prague’s International Baptist Theological Seminary (IBTS), which attracted youth pastors and theology students from 11 countries. The largest group consisted of 12 youth pastors and students from Acadia Divinity College in Nova Scotia, Canada. The remaining 10 participants came from 10 European countries. The course was organised by Dr. Jeff Carter (Prague), Youth Work Coordinator for the European Baptist Federation (EBF), and Dr. Bruce Fawcett (Saint John, Newfoundland), Atlantic Baptist Canada Director of Youth and Family Ministries. Primary lecturer was Dr. Soren Ostergaard from Denmark. According to Jeff Carter, the course achieved its goal of providing young workers with new strategies for their service. This objective was attained not only through lectures – the participants also shared intensively about their own experiences. Following the completion of the course, the Canadians divided into small groups and spent five days more acquainting themselves with new, successful models for contemporary youth work throughout Europe.

The Croatian Hrvoje Jaconic stated enthusiastically: “This seminar inspired me to seek effective new ways to reach youth. I also heard many new ideas about how the current situation can be changed and improved.“ Youth pastor Michel Lechman (Timberlee, Nova Scotia) was also impressed: “I often believed it was only me and other small churches in Nova Scotia that were struggling with youth culture. But to my surprise, the emerging youth culture can be seen throughout the world. I have come away from this conference with a new passion for my ministry and calling from God.“
