
Floods in Western Europe

Tim SolWoong Kim, EBF Communications Director - July 20, 2021

The heaviest rainfall in recent memory led to devastating floods across Western Europe last week. The flooding badly affected regions of Germany, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

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3D Church of Estonia Receives the First BWA-KIBC Evangelism Award

Tim SolWoong Kim, EBF Communications Director - July 12, 2021

The first-ever BWA-KIBC Evangelism Award was given to the 3D Church in Estonia, announced at the 22nd of World Baptist Congress. The award was presented by Baptist World Alliance in collaboration with Kowloon International Baptist Church in Hong Kong.

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Hans Riphagen – New Rector of the Dutch Baptist Seminary

Gerdien Karssen-de Zwart, Communications Officer of the Union of Baptist Churches in the Netherlands - June 24, 2021

A M S T E R D A M – Dr. Hans Riphagen (38) has been appointed rector of the Baptist Seminary in Amsterdam as of September 1. The Baptist Seminary is the theological training centre for these two denominations that are currently in the process of merging.

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BWA Resource in Response to a Changing World

EBF press service - June 07, 2021

With contributions from every region of the Baptist family, the Baptist World Alliance Holistic Mission Guide shares how churches across the globe are adapting and transforming ministry in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises.

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Baptists and Orthodox Discuss Human Dignity

EBF press service - June 02, 2021

On May 26, 2021, Baptists theologians and leaders from around the world participated in a joint conversation with Orthodox theologians and leaders at the International Theological Conference at Bucharest University.

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EBF Commission on Migration launches migration mapping survey

EBF press service - May 17, 2021

After a mapping exercise conducted in 2015-2016 to see the response of EBF member bodies to the refugee crisis, it is time for an updated view. The EBF Commission on Migration is launching a mapping survey to better learn the ways EBF member bodies are currently working with and alongside forcibly displaced peoples across the EBF region.

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From Relapse to Hope

Cristina Arcidiacono, Baptist Union of Italy - March 24, 2021

Cristina Arcidiacono: Reflecting on the predicament of churches in the current pandemic, it occurred to me that our being together in this particular time is a new way of embodying church, and in a broader sense, an opportunity of deepening our vocation to be a church through life-giving relationships.

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Bjørn Bjørnø: “I want to be a blessing to the Baptist Community.”

Tim SolWoong Kim, EBF Communications Director - March 23, 2021

On the 11th of November 2020, the Baptist Union of Norway welcomed a new General Secretary, Bjørn Bjørnø (60). Although Bjørn is new to the Baptist Community, he was elected as a General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Norway after a long process of discernment with 24 candidates.

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