
Celebrating the Season of Creation

EBF press service - September 01, 2020

Together with the European ecumenical community we invite you to celebrate the Season of Creation from 1 September – 4 October, and 1 September as the Day for Creation.

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Commemorating Victims of Acts of Religious-based violence

Shane McNary, Chair of EBF Commission on Freedom & Justice - August 22, 2020

22 August is designated by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief. On this day, we remember those who have been targeted simply because of their religious belief.

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Pray for Lebanon

Nabil Costa, LSESD/MEBO, EBF ExCo member - August 05, 2020

The massive blast that took place at the port of Beirut late in the afternoon of Wednesday, August 4th left an important part of the city laying in apocalyptic ruin. The rumble of the explosion was felt all the way to Cyprus.

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In Memoriam: Knud Wümpelmann

EBF press service - June 02, 2020

The EBF has learned that our beloved brother and former EBF General Secretary, Knud Wümpelmann, passed into the nearer presence of the Lord on 2nd June, 2020. He was aged 97.

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When a Town Comes Together

Zoltan Nyúl, Serbia - May 05, 2020

This is a story of an entire town pulling together through hard times with the sole intention to help the needy. The best headline for this example could be “Morovica Joins Together!” because it all started with a Facebook group that was created with this name at the start of the pandemic.

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EBF TALKS | Response from Italian Baptist Union

Tim SolWoong Kim, EBF Communications Director - April 27, 2020

Italy has been severely hit by the COVID-19. In times like this Italian Baptist Union (UCEBI: Unione Cristiana Evangelica Battista d'Italia) is taking action to support those in need.

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EBF Easter Message

EBF press service - April 08, 2020

Greetings in the name of Christ crucified and risen! Whether you start this week (West) or next week (East) this is a Holy Week and Easter-time like no other we have ever known.

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