Mission & Evangelism
EBF Mission Webinars 2020 - Beyond Church
- Webinar 1 - Audio recording (mp3)
- Webinar 2 - Audio recording (mp3)
- PP presentation 1: Beyond Church, May 19th 2020 (PDF)
- PP presentation 2: Listen and Make Friends, June 2nd 2020 (PDF)
- PP presentation 3: Being Christ, June 16th 2020 (PDF)
EBF Mission Conference 2016
The EBF 2016 Mission Conference 'Welcoming the Stranger: Live the Gospel, Share the Gospel, Be the Gospel' was held togehter with the EBAid partners in Elstal, Germany, and focussed on the refugee situation in Europe. For a short overview about the conference click here.
The conference outcome document with short case studies and lessons lernt can be downlowded here:
Lessons from the European Refugee Response [PDF document, 135 kb]
EBF Mission Conference 2013
- MC13 I Bunce - Celebrating Diversity, Not Seeking Unity [PDF document, 1.9 MB]
- MC13 M Kisskalt - PIAP [PDF document, 1.4 MB]
- MC13 M Kisskalt - Value and Limits of Cultures [PDF document, 224 kb]
- MC13 M Rohde - Old Testament Bible Study PP [PDF document, 983 kb]
- MC13 M Rohde - Old Testament Bible Study text [PDF document, 124 kb]
- MC13 P Penner - Creating a Culture of Truly Inclusive [PDF document, 2.4 MB]
- MC13 T van der Leer - New Testament Bible Study [PDF document, 236 kb]
EBF Mission Conference 2010
- MC10 evening prayers 1 [PDF document, 1004 kb]
- MC10 evening prayers 2 [PDF document, 48 kb]
- MC10 I Bunce: Crossingplaces [PDF document, 9 mb]
- MC10 M Kisskalt: Evangalism in the Context of Poverty [PDF document, 189 kb]
- MC10 M Kisskalt: Purpose of Church [PDF document, 70 kb]
- MC10 T Noble: Evangelism and Social Ministry in the Apostolic Church [PDF document, 174 kb]
- MC10 M Kisskalt REPORT [PDF document, 49 kb]
- Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World [PDF document, 68 kb]