MP news
Ukraine – exciting mission continues
The Baptist Union of Ukraine oversees numerous social and evangelistic projects that are implemented by enthusiastic workers all over the country.
Russia – vision to multiply
The Baptist Union of Russia has a vision to multiply and together with its mission partners would like to plant at least 70 new congregations all over the vast territory of Russian Federation during the next couple of years.
Serbia - new mission initiative
The Baptists in Serbia are experiencing a new initiative for mission which brings much encouragement to local Christians and is excellent testimony for the gospel. This ministry also builds bridges among the different ethnic groups in the country.
Mission despite obstacles
Baptist congregations in Turkey form a network to cooperate together for the common goal of witnessing and overcoming obstacles.
Mission Conference in Georgia
European Baptist Federation in cooperation with its partners organized a mission conference. The conference was held in Tbilisi, Georgia in May 2017 and drew indigenous church planters from Eastern Europe.
Baptist Mission in Hungary
The EBF is partnering with the Baptist Union of Hungary to facilitate several indigenous church planters who regularly deliver reports that include some fascinating stories.
Dedication to Mission in Moldova
There are numerous indigenous leaders that are actively involved in planting new Baptist congregations and some of them have been supported by the EBF. They are exceptionally dedicated and very practical in their ministry.
Light disperses darkness
The indigenous mission workers in Egypt work sacrificially among the poorest and often illiterate people. Their ministry brings the brightly shining light of the gospel into a dark reality.
Gospel in a big city
The Baptist Union of Austria belongs to the group of smallest member bodies in the European Baptist Family however the leaders of this union may be called ‘spiritual giants’ because they are driven by a gospel vision and want to make a real difference in their generation.
Gospel in Palestine
Pray for Palestinians who are deprived of much freedom being restricted by walls and checkpoints, and whose everyday life is marked by uncertainly and anxiety.