MP news

Gospel in Azerbaijan

Daniel Trusiewicz - March 26, 2009

Baptists of Azerbaijan are active in spreading the Gospel in spite of hardships from the authorities. God’s mission is carried out in the spiritually needy nation that inhabits the offshore of the Caspian Sea.

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Church-planting in Lithuania

Daniel Trusiewicz - January 29, 2009

It takes at least 15 years of hard mission work until a self-supporting church is established, so the mission work in Lithuania is still in its initial stages of development.

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Baptists in Moldova

Daniel Trusiewicz - November 17, 2008

Hundreds of indigenous missionaries are involved in planting new Baptist churches in Moldova. The local Baptist Union church-planting program involves over 40 new church plants. Several are being supported by the EBF Indigenous Mission Project.

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Church-planting in Slovakia

Daniel Trusiewicz - September 16, 2008

The European Baptist Federation recently started supporting a church-planting project in Slovakia, to facilitate missionary efforts of developing, coordinating and encouraging the spread of the Good News of Jesus Christ in Slovakia.

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Baptists in Belarus

Daniel Trusiewicz - July 18, 2008

In spite of the challenge of strict religious laws, Baptist churches in Belarus continue carrying out their ministry and new congregations are also being planted.

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Baptist Church Planting in Macedonia

Daniel Trusiewicz - March 28, 2008

The Baptist Union in Macedonia comprises only two congregations. The newest Baptist initiative is to start a new church in the part of Skopje called Aerodrome - the district inhabited by 100 thousand residents.

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Emerging churches

Daniel Trusiewicz - January 31, 2008

IMP church planters work in countries of Eastern Europe, the Baltic Nations, the Caucasus & Central Asia. A number of churches have emerged over the past 5 years and thousands of people have been exposed to the Gospel message.

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Good news from Iraq

Daniel Trusiewicz - November 20, 2007

According to current reports from Baptist leaders in Iraq, people are much more open to the Gospel than ever before.

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Church Planting in Romania

Daniel Trusiewicz - October 08, 2007

Romanian Baptists are described by Dr. Otniel Bunaciu, the President of Baptist Union as “Bible-believing people who are committed disciples of Jesus Christ and have the goal of bringing the Gospel to a needy world”.

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