
EBF Anti-Trafficking Working Group Visit to Romania

Natasha Schoultz, Member of the EBF Anti-Trafficking Working Group - May 27, 2018

The EBF anti-trafficking working group met from April 2nd-6th, in Bucharest, Romania. We were very thankful to Oti Bunaciu and Cristina Bucur for arranging the visit for us, and showing our working group such wonderful kindness and hospitality.

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Joint Statement on the Israeli-Palestinian Situation

BWA and EBF - May 22, 2018

As leaders of the Baptist World Alliance and the European Baptist Federation (which includes the Middle East), we want to express our grave concern over the heightened tensions between Israel and Palestine that have led to violence and many Palestinian civilian deaths, including those of innocent children, in Gaza in recent days.

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Serving Christ, Hope of the World

Bader Mansour, Association of Baptist Churches in Israel - May 18, 2018

We are thrilled to share with you the latest news about the ministry of the Association of Baptist Churches in Israel. God has blessed us as we have been able to serve and encourage hundreds of people.

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CBM Re-Assigns Jeff and Deann Carter

Canadian Baptist Ministries - May 15, 2018

Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) is pleased to announce the re-assignment of Global Field Staff Jeff and Deann Carter, effective September 1, 2018. The Carters have served with CBM since 2002, based in Prague, Czech Republic, with a focus on mentoring youth leaders primarily within the European Baptist Federation.

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EBF Easter Message

Tony Peck, EBF General Secretary - March 29, 2018

Last week our EBF Executive met in Elstal, Germany. We shared the many encouraging signs of God’s presence among us, we prayed for wisdom to face and overcome some of the challenges before us, and we especially remembered our churches who will make their Easter witness in the midst of persecution and conflict.

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