European Baptists Elect a New President: Valeriu Ghiletchi
Intensive debate on the future of International Baptist Theological Seminary
Christians and Muslims Must Speak With Each Other and Not About Each Other
"Amsterdam 400": Baptists struggle for the religious freedom of all
European Baptists are Facing New Challenges
Anniversary conference „Amsterdam 400“ will look back and set new goals for the future
The Gospel as an Instrument of Reconciliation between Peoples
Hungarian and Slovak Baptists commemorate the reformer Andreas Fischer
Italy: When Baptists marry Catholics
Churches achieve an agreement regarding marriages between members of both confessions
Two-Meter-Wide Frieze Traces Baptist Church History
French Federation’s annual conference highlights anniversary celebrations
Four-Day Celebrations in Prague: International Theological Seminary 60 Years Old
EBF-General-Secretary optimistic: IBTS is facing a promising future
175 Years Baptists in Germany: Facing New Challenges
Hartmut Riemenschneider new head of the Baptist and Brethren congregations
From International Baptist Theological Seminary of the EBF
British Baptists’ New President Expects a Revival
Annual Assembly focuses on 400 years of Baptist witness in Europe