Vital Paschkov Archives Now Available in Prague
IBTS obtains microfiche copy – Researching evangelical beginnings in Russia
Financial Crisis: Swedish Baptists Forced to Reduce Staff
Risky stock market speculation – 6,4 jobs to be cut
Introductory Seminar on the EBF’s New "Horizons" Material
Course for youth workers in Armenia
Reconciliation Between Churches, Peoples and Nations is Possible
Controversy settled: Meeting between heads of the Russian and Georgian Baptists
Active Environmental Work is Worship
European Baptists: For those who love God, creation cannot be irrelevant
Azeri Baptist Pastor: The Government Wants to Enslave People
Zaur Balayev was tortured in prison – Thanks for prayer and support
Near East: Nominal Christians Hamper Christian Mission
Muslims regard themselves as morally superior to their foreign employers
European Baptists: Taking Part in the EU’s Anti-Trafficking Day
Prayer call for all congregations: “Wrestling against spiritual wickedness”
The Church’s Mandate: Preventing Men from Visiting Prostitutes
European Baptists: Diminishing demand will halt forced prostitution
Reviving Oncken’s Vision: “Every Baptist is a Missionary”
European Baptists: Sharp criticism of the wall between Israel and West Bank